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Woodsheddin' Issue 5 Contents

SlowGold Noticed in Electronic Musician

The current (September, 1999) issue of Electronic Musician magazine contains a nice review of SlowGold by Mike Lawson. Lawson sums it up by stating, "If I am seriously attempting to learn a part, though, I would rather sit down in front of my computer wtih SlowGold than plug my CD player into a foot pedal and try the same thing. Having visual control over the edit poitns of the loops is a tremendous benefit." Thanks to the nice folks at EM for recognizing us!

The Future of Music Technology

SlowGold author and well-known music technology columnist Warren Sirota is interviewed in the new Italian electronic music magazine, Plug-In. Read the English version of the interview here.

New Features in SlowGold 6.0

The features in this latest upgrade (free to registered owners of SlowGold) include a built-in Digital Audio Recorder (for recording tapes and LPs to disk), easy saving of slowed-down files, support for multiple CD-ROM drives, "fast access" to the graphical loop view, and a host of convenience features designed to make it even easier and faster for anyone to get on the fastest "slow" road to becoming a better player or singer. And, of course, the dramatic new price of $49.95! more

Guitar Corner

Mind-bending Upstroke Exercises

Guitarists - work on the 50% of your playing techinique that you've completely ignored up to now!

Errata - The Windows Sound Recorder

In the previous issue of Woodsheddin', we gave instructions on how to use the Windows Sound Recorder to record sound from cassettes or LPs. Then readers started writing in telling us that the Windows Sound Recorder can only record about 1/2 minute of sound on most systems! Whoops! So, to make up for this, we've included our own Recorder as part of SlowGold.All the other sections of the original article, about mixer settings for the recorder, still apply.

Call For Authors

Want to become a published multimedia author? Do you play an instrument other than guitar and have a practice tip, transcription or other insight you'd like to share with thousands of Woodsheddin' subscribers, plus receive compensation? Then send an e-mail to with your article idea, and we'll discuss it.


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